Land east of Barnaby Mead, Gillingham

Local Planning Authority: Dorset Council
Client: Aster Group
Planning Reference No.: 2/2019/1649/REM


The client brought to us a refused reserved matters scheme for 50 homes (outline permission allowing for up to 50). The refusal was the result of vocal member opposition, on record, against housing density, and persistent strong local opposition to the principle of development.

Luken Beck worked closely with the client and Local Planning Authority, including high level officers, Ward Member and ‘Planning’ portfolio holder as well as thorough 1-2-1 local engagement with objectors. With our significant input the architects re-designed the scheme to achieve a more sympathetic scheme that would be acceptable, viable, and still deliver 50 dwellings. The revised scheme addressed objectors points, going on to be commended by members who were impressed by efforts to engage with the community and surprised to be able to support a scheme at the maximum level of development allowed on the site.


Bonhams Field, Yapton, West Sussex


Loperwood Lane, Totton